Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Almost Ready

The 36 week appointment

He has dropped and is perfectly positioned! I had been suffering from some pretty intense and regular rib pain (on the right side only) and some heartburn, no matter what, when, or whether I ate. Then, a week ago Monday (35 weeks and 4 days), both were gone. The books had said he'd drop soon, so I took that as the sign. At our doctor's appointment on Thursday (36 weeks on the dot), it was confirmed. It seems like Diego's just about ready to go!

I, however, am not. There's still a lot of work to do around here. We're trying to rearrange our room to fit in the cradle. My mother-in-law came and took our bedroom set on Monday. (Finally! Yay!) It was hers years ago anyway and, seeing as we wanted to get rid of it, she wants it for her house in Mexico. Works out perfectly! Now that there's finally space in our room to put in a new bedroom set, we have to pick up (and put together) the dressers/nightstands we'd picked out from IKEA. (Someday I'll buy real, sturdy, quality furniture. But for now, IKEA.) After that, we'll put the cradle in our room (I hope it fits!) that I still have to put together. (I haven't built it because I was thinking I would wait until we had the bedroom furniture ready. That, however, just seems to mean that I'm potentially cutting it awfully close.) Then I'll build the crib and attached changing table that my mother-in-law brought up with her when she picked up the bedroom set. That will give me some extra drawers for Diego's many, MANY outfits. (Man, those clothes are so cute!) The dresser has yet to be delivered to the store, so I guess that will be the last piece. (It will also have to be driven up from San Diego, so it has multiple delivery stages to go.) In short, there is a lot of very basic work that needs to be done before we're ready for Diego. Not to mention my hospital bag is only half packed. Oops.

It makes me feel rather behind. According to the books, I should be at the stage where I'm doubling my recipes so I can freeze half for after the delivery. That's a brilliant idea, I grant, and something I could be doing in conjunction with these other things, but it's just so far ahead of where I feel like I am. Maybe that can be something I start this weekend?

Funny note about the above picture: That was Rudy's first appointment in a while. He hadn't been able to make it to the most recent two before it. At the first of those two appointments, Diego yawned during the ultrasound. Rudy was super annoyed to have missed such an adorable event so, at the second of those two appointments, I was that obnoxious person who asks to record the monitor with my phone. (I don't actually know if that's obnoxious, but it seems like something doctors might get annoyed with if it happens often.) My doctor thought it was funny, but was very obliging. She did warn me, however, that most people don't get to see such things once, much less twice, so I shouldn't get my hopes up. When she got to his face, though, he did it again! She was astounded! It wasn't a yawn that time, but a sort of smacking his lips/sticking his tongue out bit. She played it back on a loop for me so I could record it. I was ecstatic! Of course, as these things go, when I got to my car and played it back, there was only black and the audio was of the conversation that took place immediately following what I thought I had recorded. Apparently I had paused it when I thought I was recording and had recorded when I thought I had stopped it. Ugh! Super fail by me. (I don't like to think about it.) And then, finally, at the appointment Rudy could actually make, Diego had dropped so that we couldn't even see his face. Poor Rudy! He's not too bothered by it, though. He'll get to see him "in IRL" soon enough!


  1. Sorry about Rudy missing those cute in utero things, but really, after he's here, you won't give it a second thought!

    Also, there will be plenty of time after he is born to get things put together for him. All he really needs in those first few weeks is you. And maybe some diapers. :) (It is nice to feel like things are set for his appearance though, I agree!)

    1. Thanks, Shell. All of that is really reassuring. I have at least washed the diapers! I even have a few packed in my hospital bag, although I'm going to avoid using the cloth ones until after the meconium is out of his system. Ew. ;)

  2. Diego's just being sneaky with his daddy! He wants him to have the full effect when Rudy sees his cute little face in person. :)

    Not that I know anything about preparing for the arrival of a baby, but I'm guessing all soon-to-be moms feel just like you - behind and like they don't have enough food in the freezer or whatever it is that they think they haven't done enough of. Don't stress too much!
