Monday, August 19, 2013

The Six Week Appointment

At Diego's six week appointment last week (on Wednesday), he weighed 13 pounds, 5.6 ounces and was 23 and 3/4 inches long. He had gained exactly 5 pounds since he was born! And he's nearly 2 feet tall! (If he could stand, of course.)
He also got his first round of vaccinations. Poor baby! He was so happy! And then he screamed. And then he slept. For two days. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

One Month Old

Diego is 1 month old today! Happy 1 month birthday, Diego!
 He liked his activity gym. He was fascinated by all the dangling objects and swiped at the monkey that I kept shaking because it's also a rattle.
 We'd tried the gym once before, but he wasn't so into it then. Ahh, how things change.